We live in a world of sin and imperfection. I am a child of God striving each day to live out my calling. Welcome to my blog where you get the inside scoop of this Child of God's life!
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity." - 1 Timothy 4:12

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Dear Baby (Letter #3)

Dear Baby,
 I think you're going to come out thinking Baby is your name. So how about this:

Dear Adah/Aram,
  We have entered your due date month. Mommy is almost mentally where Daddy has been for months, and ready to tell you to "GET OUT." But then again you're incredibly safe where you are right now, you can't be bullied, beat up, or harmed by all the things that kids go through these days. But Mommy wants to hold you, and you're starting to make Mommy very uncomfortable. Mommy is definitely getting nervous to travel very far away. We have one more trip this weekend, then you can come anytime you want. There are so many people who are so excited to meet you. You are already so loved, it is almost overwhelming. You get to grow up in an amazing church, the people here already ask about you every time they see me. I pray you will grow to cherish them as much as they already cherish you. You are already so blessed, you have 11 grandparents. That seems totally crazy, I guess I should say you have 4 grandparents, 6 great grandparents, and 1 great great grandma. They are all so excited to meet you, and it is driving them crazy that they don't know if you are Adah or Aram.
 It seems like forever since the last time I wrote you. I talk to you all the time, and Daddy loves to sing to you. His favorite thing right now is to try to get you to move so he can see. He gets so excited every time he can feel you. It amazes me that there is room for you inside of me. I often feel huge and then am surprised I'm not bigger. God sure was creative when he decided how babies should be created and brought into this world. I often find myself full of anxieties about you entering this world, but then I remember I will get to hold you, and that mothers have been birthing babies since basically the beginning of time, then I don't feel so stressed about it.
 If it wasn't real before it definitely is now, we are in the month that you are to join this world (please don't wait till January). For so long I have been saying as long as we make it to December 6th, this baby can come any time after that. Well Sunday is December 6th, so you are welcome to join the world any time after the Christmas program is over!
 Bring on the next couple of weeks of swollen hands & feet, achy muscles, clothes that don't fit, and sleepless nights. Along with every kick, roll, hiccup, & movement that bring your Mommy so much peace. These next couple of weeks will feel like the longest of my life, and go by so quickly, because before we know it, sweet child of mine, you will be in my arms! But please do all the growing you need to do now, because I want you healthy when you enter this world! I hope you enjoy your music sessions with your daddy as much as I do, he can't wait to hold you and dance with you for real!

See you soon, love of my life!

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